Saturday, December 31, 2016

No really, here's the true story.....

I've always been one to follow my intuition.  Fortunately,  it knows more and is wiser than I am.  So one night when I was laying in bed my little voice started talking to me and said, "Lorie, you need to find a place to live that's further out.  A place where you can live completely off the grid in time".  

The next day I got on Craigslist and there it was, a place up in Central.  I passed my phone over to Raz and showed him the picture while telling him why.  He slapped his hands together and said, "hot damn, when do we go"?  Lol, he is always game for an adventure.

So, that's how we got here.  Now..... people have told me how skeptical they were when we posted that first picture of the cabin.  And I must admit that when I first saw it I was too, but i know what Raz can do and he admired how well built and sound it was and said that we could totally work with it.  And as you can see he really transformed it in those first two weeks we went up to put the roof on.  

Now that's almost all we think and talk about, lol.

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