So you just have to know how majestic the Great Gray Owl is. We have one on our property. The very first time we went to the cabin to check it out we noticed huge piles of bird poop on the deck. After taking to the guy that read the meter or the power, we learned that we had an owl that would hang out in the open rafters of the porch. I decided to close the rafters because when he would launch, it was weakening the rafter joints. But that wasn't the end of HOOT!!!!! That Is what we named him.
So Lorie was sitting on the couch the last trip that we made for the year and just before it got to dark, there was HOOT . We watched him for a minute and then he launched and oh my gosh' BEAUTIFUL Now one of the reasons we are a little concerned is that Chena is about the size of a rabbit and would not be to much of a match for HOOT . She has been scared by him before and knows when he is around. but they are beautiful to see and watch. Sorry. I have not been able to get a pic yet but google one when you have time. I think I read that they are the biggest owl in the family.
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