Sunday, January 8, 2017

Inside the cabin . . . so far.

I should have taken pictures of the inside when we first opened it up.  The cabin had ben unused for a number of years and the squirrels had moved in.  The place was completely taken over and although we didn't find any living squirrels on the indide there was a massive amount of droppings . . . Everywhere.  Our first visit up I couldn't even be in the cabin, the air was that bad.  We got it all cleaned out later and I was happy when Raz got all the osb on the walls.

After OSB

So, now the cabin is at least comfortable to stay in while we work on it.  This is just the front room of the existing build.  There are 2 rooms in the back also but they are not yet insulated so we are using them to store tools in.

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