Saturday, March 25, 2017

More Treasure!!!!

Hey everyone!!! I have a day off and so I think I will take a minute and give you all an update.  One of the great things about living here is that one mans junk is another mans treasure  and that is the case here. As we have discussed before, there are collection sites where people take their trash and in these sites there is an area where people put items that they don't want but can still be used by others. We have a lot of stuff from there including our washer and dryer, fridge, stove, couch, beds, and much more.
Yesterday, I found a 20 gallon hot water heater.  What would I need with a 20 gallon hot water heater you might ask. lol  well, here is the reason I was so happy!!!
As part of the wind turbine set up that we will have in our new place, is an item called a dump load resistor. Basically, when the wind turbine is spinning and the batteries are full, the charge controller needs to have a place to send the power being created or you need to set the brake on the turbine or put in in free spin. You can buy the dump load resistor and mount it to the wall and that becomes the place where the current flows.
You can take a water heater, change out the two elements from (in this case120 amps) to 24 volt elements (39.00) dollars apiece and now I have created a dump that also serves as a way to heat water for the house. Usually the only thing that ever goes wrong in a water heater is the elements so I think I now have a dump resistor for a lot less then buying one and it heats water for us as well. There you go.  Having some problems at this time getting the pics uploaded but will do as I am able to.

this is another treasure that we got from the dump and Lorie did her thing and made it cool